How to Feed a Lawyer (and Other Irreverent Observations from the Legal Underground) (Palermo Publishing Co. 2012)
Satire and Humor
"The Trial Lawyer's Prayer," Bench & Bar of Minnesota
"Legal Red Tape Dampening Santa's Holiday Spirit," Allentown Morning Call, December 22, 1996
"Santa's Legal Problems Assure Attorneys a Merry Christmas," The Cincinnati Post, December 12, 1995
"T'was the Night Before Christmas and... Uh-Oh, Here Come Some Litigious Lawyers," Chicago Tribune, December 11, 1995
"Cyberrunning," Runner's World, November, 1995
"How to Vlog Your Thru-Hike in 5 Easy Steps," The Trek, January, 2021
"When Your Thru-Hike Is One Big Joke: On the Trail With Backpacker Comics," The Trek, May, 2019
"Will Google Transform Medicine? Inevitable Advertising, Privacy Issues Make Google Health a Bad Prescription," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, March 19, 2008
"Workplace Privacy Is An Issue For All of Us," Alton Telegraph, April 15, 2002
"A Terrorism Reading List," Alton Telegraph, October 14, 2001
"Tired of Gratuitous Profanity? You Don't Have to Put Up with It at the Movies," Cleveland Plain Dealer, May 19, 1998
"The Virtues of Eccentricity," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 27, 1997
"Weather Forecasting is Really Chaos," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 5, 1996
"Meteorologists' Dirty Little Secret About the Weather," Indianapolis Star, June 23, 1996
"This Father's Day, Sibling Conflicts Teach Life Lessons," St. Louis Suburban Journal, June 19, 1996
"Computer Junkie Salutes Online Computer Hold-outs," St. Louis Suburban Journal, March 20, 1996
"Hooplah and Hype: The Selling of the Beatles," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, November 20, 1995
"A Box of Candy: You Can Get Anything You Want on the Internet, But Maybe You Shouldn't," Cleveland Plain Dealer, September 19, 1995
"Surfing the Net: A Trivial Pursuit," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 11, 1995
"A Midsummer Night's Sex Tragedy," St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 28, 1992
"Artwork," Artful Dodge
"Victims of the Imagination," Wigleaf
"The Accident," Staccato Fiction
"Partnership: A Lawyer Story," Beyond the Underground
"How to Write Damn Good Flash Fiction," Right Hand Pointing, 2010 Humor Issue
Flash Fiction, Microfiction, Poetry
"Temper," Sonora Review Website
"113 (Mom and Dad)," Nanoism
"177 (Climbing Party)," Nanoism.
"She Didn't Cry," PicFic
"Fortune," Short, Fast, and Deadly.
"The Dying Wife," 50 to 1
"Thor," Clutching at Straws
Miscellaneous Articles
"Getting the Most Out of Student Callers," Fund Raising Management, July, 1990
College Stuff (because the 80's are big again)
"Contemporary Trio: Sexuality, maturity, uncertainty,"The University News, St. Louis University, 2/25/83
Law-Related Publications